Great! It helped me...
...and it's demonstrated here. My first proper review:
Quality of visuals: 8/10
Nothing really needed to be said, pretty simple graphics, nice and easy to read the information. My suggestion is that you make, say, a more colourful background. Also, a few of the images are a bit crummy, but otherwise very good.
Quality of audio/music: 9/10
Who doesn't like a bit of ParagonX9? Nothing else to really say here. You could make a button sound, but that's being pretty picky.
Quality of content: 10/10
Self-explanatory. Information goes into great detail, and it's easy to follow. Tells you basically everything you need to know when you join here. It was, surprisingly, not boring and persuades the reader to do good things. That's how I came about to write a review like this.
Every person should come here and have a look. There may be some things that they didn't know about Newgrounds.
Impressive work overall!